Filtration facility

Filtration facility

Type d'installation: Fictitious facility

Adresse: Specify here the address of the facility.

Contact: Specify here the name of the contact person in the company.


Adresse électronique:



Filtration is the physical process whereby particles suspended in water are separated by forcing the fluid through a porous medium (i.e. a filter). The suspended particles are trapped in the filter. Filtration relies on the pore size of the membrane, which can be varied to remove particles and molecules of various sizes. Micro-filtration processes generally work best for separating very fine particles (0.1-0.001 microns) from the liquid.

Type de déchet accepté:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Critères d'entrée, prétraitement requis et capacité de traitement générale:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Exigences et contraintes logistiques et opérationnelles:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Énergie, eau et autres intrants nécessaires (nature et quantité par tonne traitée):

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Nature du produit qui peut être accepté:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Installation de réception dans les installations / Équipement de réception disponible dans l'installation:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Qualité du matériel produit (à partir des déchets):

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Impacts environnementaux potentiels:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Contraintes légales:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Efficacité et coût général:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

publié le 2019/12/10 15:55:06 GMT+0 Dernière modification 2019-12-10T15:55:06+00:00