Brulage des végéteaux légèrement pollués

Brulage des végéteaux légèrement pollués

Type de traitement: Traitement


Burning on site of vegetation (i.e. wood) lightly oiled.


Lightly oiled vegetal waste

Situation/Possibilités dans le pays:

N/ A


Permanent elimination of oiled vegetal waste.

Critères d'entrée:

Vegetation must be lightly oiled to avoid atmospheric releases of burnt HC.

Contraintes opérationnelles:

Requires adequate site, and personnel.
Burn vegetation away from any sensitive areas, houses, etc.
Ensure that fire is controlled.


Limited if only vegetation such as wood is burnt.

Contraintes légales:

Refer to legislation related to burning of vegetation and atmospheric releases (open air burning of waste is often prohibited, but may be tolerated in emergency cases, for remote locations or islands for example).
Specific authorisation may be delivered.


Allow reducing the volume of vegetation and wood by 80 to 90%. Ashes may be dispersed in fields.


CAPEX: none required.
OPEX: limited to the operators.

publié le 2019/12/10 15:55:06 GMT+0 Dernière modification 2019-12-10T15:55:06+00:00