Bio-treatment: composting facility

Bio-treatment: composting facility

Type of facility: Fictitious facility

Address: Specify here the address of the facility.

Contact: Specify here the name of the contact person in the company.




Composting is the biological conversion of organic waste solids into stable, humic material (which contributes to the soil structure as well as its nutritional status).
Composting is achieved by mixing with bulking agents and organic amendments, spreading the oily waste in windrow (or other shapes), regular tilling for oxygenation and addition of nutrients.
There are three major designs used in composting.
·         aerobic static pile/ compost is formed into piles and aerated with blowers or vacuum pumps,
·         use of a vessel similar to a bio-reactor, where the compost is mechanically agitated and aerated,
·         windrow composting, usually considered the most cost-effective composting alternative.

Type of waste accepted:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Entry criteria, pretreatment required and general treatment capacity:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Logistical and operational requirements and constraints:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Energy, water and other input required (nature and amount per ton treated):

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Nature of product that can be accepted:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Reception installation in facilities / Reception equipment available in the facility:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Quality of produced material (from the waste):

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Potential environmental impacts:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Legal constraints:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

Efficiency and general cost:

To be defined for the specific facility in country.

published on 2019/12/10 15:55:06 GMT+0 last modified 2019-12-10T15:55:06+00:00