Re-use as road work material
Re-use as road work material
Type of treatment: Final disposal
Description:Re-use of treated material as road fill or construction material.
Stabilized material.
Situation/Possibilities in the country:
No specific requirements.
Reduces the demand on raw material needed for construction efforts if non-hazardous can be reused.
Entry criteria:
Characteristics of material output to be ascertained.
Operational constraints:
Personnel, energy, consumables, place, installation, etc.
If test reveals hazardous material, then the material cannot be re-used:
· Requires pre-processing;
· Cost of raw material might be cheaper than cleaning of contaminated sand.
Mishandling could result in offsite contamination.
Legal constraints:
Refer to legislation regarding the characteristics of construction/ filling material (physical, chemical, geotechnical).
None if waste is usable on a “as is” basis.