Consulting the OSWMP
Consultation of the results from the Application
At anytime, and in particular in case of emergency, the States can consult their country-specific information entered in the system:
- main provisions of their OSWMP for their country, and
- data on the waste treatment facilities in the country, the type of OSW they can treat and the treatment(s) they can implement.
Use of the Application to define potential waste streams in country
With the system, the Mediterranean States can:
- choose the type(s) of waste from a pre-defined list (one or more type of waste);
- consult the various waste streams suitable (including pre-treatment and final disposal if required);
- then for each waste treatment stream, compare the various treatment options, based:
- on common generic criteria (from literature and past experience),
- or preferably on the specific data inputted during the preparation phase by the Country;
- for each treatment option, access to information on the type of treatment and on the suitable facilities identified in the country.