Developing the OSWMP
Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention can use this Application to facilitate the development of their National OSWMP.
The Application provides a step-by-step approach (organized in 5 sections corresponding to the 5 sections of the document of the plan) for a designated National Administrator in country to build a comprehensive OSWMP, encompassing all issues related to oil spill waste management. The national Administrator will be able to input in the Application the main provisions of his OSWMP for each section (with the help of the answers to the Questionnaire), using the administrative interface, with a specific login for each country.
The Application also provides a tool to assist the Mediterranean Coastal State to define their national oil spill waste streams, i.e. dynamic electronic versions of the following Technical Guidelines:
- n°10: “Assessment of national oil spill waste treatment capabilities”, and
- n°11: “Treatment facility information sheet”.
The information implemented into the electronic Application by the Mediterranean Coastal States is saved within the database of the Application.